Support the WTWA renovations
The Wudang Taoist Wellness Academy (WTWA) was founded in central China’s Wudang Mountains in 2004. Since 2015, it has been located at the current site. Cradled by the gentle mountain slopes, the WTWA lies in the peaceful embrace of pine forests and tea plantations with a view that stretches for hundreds of miles.

Housed in several single-floor, brick-and-mortar, former tea farmer’s buildings, the WTWA offers Tai chi training and Taoist cultivation courses that help its students “live long and live well”. These simple words also characterize its founder and teacher, Master Gu Shining. A 15th-generation Taoist Master, he is the heart and soul of the Academy and the very reason for many people from all over the world to enroll as a student.
In no small part due to the invaluable efforts of George Thompson and his outstanding YouTube channel (link below), more and more lovers of Tai chi and Taoist culture are finding their way to the WTWA. Now, it is true that many of them actually come looking forward to a natural, basic way of life and simple facilities. However, with the increase in the number of students, the time has come for the WTWA to undertake certain necessary renovations. The image below is a 3D-rendered sketch of what the Academy will look like after the refurbishment. As you can imagine, we are quite excited about this!
Specifically, the renovation plans involve:
Back building: heightening the roof to create a second floor; creation of more bedrooms; renovation of current bathroom; addition of extra bathroom
Front building: heightening the roof to create a second floor; creation of more bedrooms; renovation of current bathroom; addition of another three bathrooms (totaling six bathrooms altogether at the WTWA); general repair work
Kitchen and dining areas: extended and modernizedExternal areas: installation of larger water tank, area behind kitchen, yard including lowering of yard side wall, construction of corridors and pavilions
Recruitment of staff: one maintenance/cleaning staff member, one office clerk in charge of administration and communication, an English-speaking assistant coach/trainer (either domestic or foreign)
If you decide to visit the WTWA, the amount you have contributed will be deducted from the total bill for your stay. In this way, Master Gu and the Academy wish to express their appreciation to all of the Tai Chi Family contributors.
Any financial contribution you wish to make can be made directly to the WTWA bank account; the details are in the Study section at number 7. Many thanks to one and all for helping us realize this next step in the history of the Academy!