The journey to the WTWA began with the wish to explore Chinas wisdom and the Taoist culture in the most authentic way possible. It was by luck and coincidence that I met a person suggesting the WTWA to me and this advice was the entry point into a most beautiful and eye opening experience.
The academy, located in the heart of the Wudang mountains, greeted me upon arrival with the most lush greenery and the magnificence of the open sky. It became the home and base to explore many dimensions and facets of Taoism and the Tai Chi practice. Master Gu was right from the start such a heartwarming, joyful and supportive master and guide. I was truly mesmerized by the lightness and laughter that accompanied all of his actions and words.
As part of the daily practice we could read each day a chapter of the Dao De Ching written by Laotse. What was revealed in these texts and interpreted by Master Gu introduced me to such depths of the ways of nature and the Dao that I began to perceive my environment essentially different. It became apparent how everything is an interplay of Yin and Yang, how beauty can be seen in all aspects of nature and what it means to experience and cultivate that wisdom. Being the water, flowing like a river, staying grounded and being in harmony. Seeing how everything is connected and in resonance. Understanding the relationship of lightness and solidity, relaxation and straight direction.
I could sense how my body started to move differently, how it felt healthier, younger, more stable, more grounded.
Tai Chi became a truly wellness-oriented practice for me that worked on so may different levels - physically, mentally, energetically. Becoming aware the flow of the Qi, learning about it by the observation of breath and balance, feeling it flow through the body was a sensation previously unknown to me. Learning the particular forms of Tai Chi and even practicing with a sword was such a fulfilling experience.
The academy grew close to my heart as a place that incorporated such a wealth of what I learned to be Taoist culture… Music, calligraphy, meditation, reading, Tai Chi practice, walks in nature, Chinese chess. The mountains, the sky, the flowers and trees, the clouds and the stars - all seemed to embody such a beautiful role in the play of the Dao. And it was the greatest delight to be part of that.
It is without doubt that this experience significantly shaped my understanding and perception of the world. And it comes with great waves of gratitude and awe that I remember these first weeks there, being guided by Master Gu. I am fortunate to believe that it set the path to become a lifelong Taoist learner and cultivator. And I hope that as many people as possible will have the chance and opportunity to experience it alike.
Maria together with Master Gu and fellow international students on a tour in the Wudang Mountains