Today, 25 March 2020, a full two months after the lockdown of Wudang town and Wudangshan was established, the mountain reopens and the tourist buses resume operation. In the next few days, Hubei is to see its borders opening up again, as well as main transportation to and from the province restored.

Travel is restricted to those with green Health Code QR codes or a written permit that proves its bearer is free of coronavirus infection; face masks are to be worn at all times in public; a physical distance of at least 1 meter is to be observed at all times, including on public transportation.

Businesses that get a 100% score on a coronavirus exam may resume their operations. Schools, including martial arts schools, further await official notice before opening their doors to their students.

Master Gu can now take the next steps to get the renovation work going. With a delay of several months, we hope to start construction in April and finish several months later.

Spring has arrived in Wudangshan, the trees are blossoming and the air is abuzz with the hum of diverse insect life. We welcome the new dawn and look forward to seeing all those students who have had to postpone their stay later this year. Meanwhile, we wish all of you the very best who are now dealing with the pandemic.


Fú shòu kāng níng